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My Imagi Intents & Scheduling

  • Life is so frenetic, and so weirdly successful at distracting us all from the things we need to do, or remind ourselves NOT to do. We need to work on things that have a firm grip on us, and those things are also the many things that militate to keep us from being focused on what is best for us on a nearly daily basis. For instance, if we haven't done any clearing work, all advertising we've seen, heard or read since birth is imprinted in our various subtle bodies/fields. That was deliberate. It all has to go. All cusswords we've ever used, heard or read are likewise imprinted on our energetic framework. They're very limiting, and even damaging energy, especially to the heart chakra. These are just two examples, and they're perfect examples of how this world does everything in its power to keep us looking at it, instead of the bigger picture. And even if you clear away all ads, you have more to deal with at the end of every week. This is a good way of describing exactly why Imagi came into being. 

    So, I thought I'd share my intents in this way, and also results. I'll give a little background on myself and what I'm dealing with.

    I'm an alchemist, and have been in this time-life for 20 plus years. I've always been an alchemist, since before Time. Time came into being in trillions of embodied mutations as an alchemical operation on cosmic scale. You could say the Big Bang was nothing more than an accident in a lab, one of an eternity of accidents and ensuing experiments. I used my own alchemy in this time-life to see through the hallucination that is this world, and therefore I operate within the Great Lie, but think and perceive from outside the Great Lie, literally from a manageable (see UN-overwhelming) sphere of Metaself. I spend every day of my life freeing people of their attachment to the Great Lie. Being free of that attachment need not necessarily include enlightenment. Anybody can choose at any time to be an observer of this world, fascinated by their own flaws, as detached as a flower from world events, and free of human emotion. Do that, and you're free of the drama and all the toxicity that comes with it.

    Being enlightened doesn't really help anything. It doesn't take away the physical pain. In fact, it might add to it, and it's the most shocking realization imaginable, and I actually wouldn't wish it on anybody. It does, however, constantly deepen one into the ever expanding comprehension that everything, no matter how mundane or orderly or fixed, is still just as magical and psychedelic as the most Ayahuasca-fueled trip, or sojourn into the multiverse, or ride on an "alien" lightship. It's all psychology and corresponding symbols, and nothing more, and in that way a depressed housewife on anti-depressants addicted to daytime TV is as fascinating and scintillating to me as an ancient proto-race from the Arcturus system of worlds. In fact, in my mind she's even more interesting. Maybe I'll get into why that is sometime.

    Alchemists tend to poison themselves, so there's that. I partied like a 20-something into my '50s, so there's that. Before being "born" (in quotes because it doesn't really happen, meaning birth), I chose a flawed and difficult body, with predispositions towards crusty dryness, stiffness, and all the symptoms that stem from that. I myself wrote in my book "the content of my consciousness is the content of my world." That's the mantra. Make it yours, as well, because it's the truest axiom in all of Creation. And so, all the difficulties I experience in my body are part and parcel a product of how I project this body-form into the hologram from the mind of Metaself. In that way, it would seem it would be a simple process to simply change the content of my consciousness to change my physical difficulties, but for whatever reason the right symbols never presented themselves to make that be spontaneously true. Healing is as much an experiment in learning as it is an outcome, even more so. We as immense beings can't really learn what it is and what it means to be human without their physical limitations and symptoms. In that way, it makes "Know Thyself" the most powerful idea on Earth, and it always as been.

    Thus, Imagi. I designed it as much for me as for you.

    One more point to make is that we, the seekers, the awake, the visitors/volunteers here - we process and transmute TONS AND TONS of the toxic stuff on behalf of Earth and other people. As you read this, you might be in charge of processing for 1000 sleepwalkers all over the world and you just don't know it. Being the conduit to process and transmute that stuff takes strength, fortitude, which is why you volunteered for this job. But it doesn't come without a toll. It's why so many visitors/volunteers are so symptomatic for literally their entire lives. The symptoms are merely a by-product of the job, as it were, but our conscious minds tend to make it more difficult, sometimes far more difficult, and our own minds from many levels of consciousness thus create issues and problems that don't necessarily have to remain. Imagi also works huge magic in processing and transmuting all of that stuff for Earth and other people over whom you're in charge.

    My symptoms are:

    * Injured shoulder, rotator cuff, from a kayaking trip

    * Elbows hurt all the time for reasons I can't get to

    * Calves are always sore in a lactic acid kind of way - no idea why

    * Gallbladder damage resulting in over-production of bile - like I say, I partied

    * Neck pain since the day I was subjected to a horse-dentist to remove my wisdom teeth

    * Almost insatiable skin itch almost all the time, from, I think, the dryness

    INTENTS ON 9-16-19


    Physical Body
    Emotional Body
    Mental Body
    Morphogenetic/Astral Body
    Anger Patterns
    World Events

    Today, I was way clearer than yesterday. Lighter. I have trouble with electronics. My fields just never stop fouling them up, so I spend too much time angry at all hardware and software. Today, it was entirely different, and I think it had much to do with not just weakening the patterns of anger, the underpinnings, but clearing everything else as well. Today, I'm as sunny as a daisy, and nothing is getting to me. Of note, all technology is working just fine. The content of my consciousness is the content of my world.

    INTENTS ON 9-17-19

    Gallbladder Flush
    Oral health 


    I'll update this every few days with the entire list I'm currently working on.

    Gallbladder - 9-17-19 / 9-20-19 / 9-26-19 / 9-30-19
    Pancreas - 9-18-19 / 9-26-19 / 9-30-19
    Liver - 9-18-19 / 9-26-19 / 9-30-19
    Kidneys - 9-18-19 / 9-26-19 / 9-30-19
    Stomach - 9-20-19
    Spleen - 9-21-19
    Appendix - 9-21-19
    Adrenals - 9-21-19
    Small Intestines
    Large Intestines

    Chakras - 9-16-19 / 9-30-19
    Physical Body - 9-16-19
    Emotional Body - 9-16-19
    Mental Body - 9-16-19
    Morphogenetic/Astral Body - 9-16-19
    Anger Patterns - 9-16-19
    Cusswords - 9-16-19 / 9-30-19
    Advertising - 9-16-19 / 9-30-19
    World Events - 9-16-19
    Fungus - 9-16-19 / 9-20-19
    Viruses - 9-17-19 / 9-20-19
    Parasites - 9-17-19 / 9-21-19
    Molds - 9-18-19 / 9-21-19
    Oral health - 9-17-19

    Testosterone - 9-26-19 / 9-26-19 / 9-30-19
    Shoulder 9-20-19 / 9-26-19 / 9-30-19
    Calves - 9-20-19 / 9-26-19
    Dry Itchy Skin - 9-21-19
    Elbows - 9-18-19 / 9-21-19
    Neck Pain - 9-18-19


  • Glenda Quashie I poet you read my mind I was thing that also
  • JD Aliix Chance, somehow I missed this back then. I'm dealing with so many physical issues it's a little hard to separate them into recognizable effects. But I am going to post a kind of schedule of everything I'm working on, so it will be straightforward to see...  more
  • Sandy Staten I am really glad you created this Imagi. Im glad I finally get a chance to work with it
  • Natascha C Thanks for sharing Jason. After reading through your alchemy website and learning the need to detox heavy metals as the first step to begin consciousness expansion (thanks for the info) and after learning from the medical medium that the need to detox...  more