Blogs » Health & Wellness » When Fear Is In The Air (Part 1)

When Fear Is In The Air (Part 1)


    Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

    Understanding Fear

    I grew up in a family where there was a lot of fear. Fear about anything from getting a cold to getting run over by a car when playing or even walking outside. My adventurous nature didn’t agree with that, so I decided I would live without fear. That worked well until I found myself not getting what I wanted from life and started to dig a little deeper inside. What I discovered is that I had a constant low level of fear that made me unable to recognize it. I thought I didn’t have any fear but I was full of it! This was not a pleasant discovery. Since then, I’ve made a conscious effort to get to know my fear a little more—it’s an ongoing process—hence this question for Jason.

    What is fear?


    It’s a compound of chemicals, and nothing more. Two of those chemicals are adrenalin and cortisol. But I’m sure you want more detail than that, so here we go. You can’t step into this physical world and not be saturated with the fear energy. That would be like diving into a pool and not getting wet. One of the most foundational programs of our earthly existence is fear, but that doesn’t mean you have to agree to it. Even if you came in without fear, your parents, your neighbors, churches, governments, schools, the very atmosphere, are going to try to make sure you plant and cultivate it. People are conditioned to fear, like Pavlov’s dog. The resulting energy, its frequencies, play upon the adrenal glands, producing a fear response without the need for any terrifying stimuli. The trick is to release and cease the absorption of that energy.

    One of the reasons fear exists in this world is because the Earth is the perfect stage for beings from all over to experience it. It’s a tremendously important experience for beings who’ve never been exposed to it. It can be a very powerful teacher. But once it’s in you, it’s not easy to get it out. If a psychologist said, “You have 10 times as much fear that you DON’T know about than you do,” it would probably be accurate, if not vastly understated.

    If your body didn’t have the apparatus to produce those chemicals, you’d never experience fear, even if a horrific beast was standing before you with fangs bared and ready to attack. You would look on dispassionately, maybe thinking, “I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be afraid now, because that’s how everybody else responds,” but what’s the fun in that? Do you really NOT want to FEEL? Teenagers go to scary movies just so they can feel it, and what they see in those silly movies is no more real than what’s in the world.

    Can fear be useful and why?


    Not anymore. My perception is that the plan and trajectory for this planet is to be done with it. Fear was useful for survival of the species by hardcoding the flight or fight response into the DNA, but it’s time to move beyond it. We’re no longer being chased by wild animals. Eclipses are now explained. Shooting stars are no longer angry gods. Humanity’s next phase is all about fun, exploration, and love and understanding. It’s not difficult to see that more and more people are already switching into those modes of being. The problem is that fear got into our super-sophisticated subconscious through subliminal methods, which makes it very difficult to remove. Then, we only need some conscious stimuli to trigger the response from those deeper layers.

    We hope you found this inspiring and useful. If so, please share it or leave a comment below. In our next article, we’ll look into how to free yourself from fear. 

    Brigitte Mouchet is a wellness entrepreneur passionate about exploring the mystery of our human experience. Jason Davis is an author, alchemist, astronomer, quantum physiologist, high-level pioneer in consciousness, comedian, clown, and a mystic with an amazing grasp of the deepest workings of the Universe. His mission is to help people free their minds so they can maximize their journey on this planet. He created the IMAGI app to make it easier for people to hack their reality, and add magic back into their lives. My goal as the editor of this blog is to bring you the most relevant and useful bits of wisdom for our time… by asking Jason. Want to stretch your consciousness? Come back here for more and Follow us on Facebook or Instagram


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