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Selflessness--The Latest Trend? (Part 1)

  • I’d like to start a new trend--making selfless cool. I may not be the first one to try this, but that is irrelevant. Our world needs it!

    Mothers are typically good exemples of selflessness. I had a selfless mother, almost to a fault, which made me think a lot about the value of selflessness compared to selfishness. I know Jason has some ideas about this too, so I decided to ask him a few questions.

    Why does the world need (more) selflessness now?


    The equation is simple, and it has more than one expression. Selflessness = Oneness. Selfishness = only me. Selflessness = I’m in this for everyone. Selfishness = I’m in this for myself. Selflessness = connectedness, openness, expansion, growth, abundance for all. Selfishness = contraction, lack consciousness, closed off, hoarding, accumulating resources that do nothing but collecting mold and dust.

    How about an anecdote? In basketball, when the most selfish player – often the best player – can’t play for one reason or another, teammates say, “Everybody eats when he doesn’t play, and we win. When he does play, only he eats, and we lose”. The most often used phrase to describe successful basketball teams is, “We play for each other, not for ourselves.”

    With regard to our current situation, the most important version of the equation is the first one above: Selflessness = Oneness. One person can’t accomplish what ten can when operating as a unit. Selfishness has kept the world from becoming what it could have been by now. Selfish people have kept to themselves every possible thing in their power that would have helped this world move beyond where it is today. That selfishness is the very reason poverty exists.

    From a higher perspective, our planet Earth will not be invited to the next level until it can behave more as a whole, where at least most people agree on where it is going. This is only possible with selflessness. As the Earth is moving into a new phase, acting in unison with others is a key condition to actually getting there.

    Is there a spectrum for selflessness and also a healthy range?


    Less self means more higher self. The less self there is, the more room there is for the Infinite part of ourselves. Thinking and acting selflessly reduces the “amount” of self we lug around, emptying the vessel. Emptying the vessel makes room for Metaself (or higher self, according to modern new age terminology). For those who are aware that there are more worlds than just our visible 3D world, this is pretty much the sole imperative.

    Now when we think about enlightenment, one of the better axioms I’ve ever read is: You can’t be enlightened because there is no you to be enlightened. So, enlightenment isn’t possible for the person who, for example, wants it. Wanting it emphasizes the desire, and desires emphasize self. Once there is no self (ego) left, you are a clear and purified vessel for the highest mind to express itself into this world. If enlightenment comes along, so much the better (or worse, since enlightenment also means the end of suffering and drama, to which most people are addicted).

    Now, having said all that, the most selfless thing a person can do is to get clear and pure. This is because a clear and pure human vessel flows into the world 1,000,000 times more of the “good stuff” than a cluttered person who spends their time and money trying to get ahead in their spiritual chase. A trinket purchased for “my evolution” only is selfishness and is nearly powerless. A trinket purchased on behalf of or for the benefit of all has unlimited potential power.

    We hope you found this inspiring and useful. If so, please share it or leave a comment below. In our next article, we’ll look into how to cultivate selflessness. 

    Brigitte Mouchet is a wellness entrepreneur passionate about exploring the mystery of our human experience. Jason Davis is an author, alchemist, astronomer, quantum physiologist, high-level pioneer in consciousness, comedian, clown, and a mystic with an amazing grasp of the deepest workings of the Universe. His mission is to help people free their minds so they can maximize their journey on this planet. He created the IMAGI app to make it easier for people to hack their reality, and add magic back into their lives. My goal as the editor of this blog is to bring you the most relevant and useful bits of wisdom for our time… by asking Jason. Want to stretch your consciousness? Come back here for more and Follow us on Facebook or Instagram.