Videos » 2001: A Space Odyssey - The Dawn of Man

2001: A Space Odyssey - The Dawn of Man

Posted by Shelly Merk
This scene shows the beginning of the Paleolithic Era, and reveals that, by the usage of tools, man could stop being a victim of the world to become an activ...
Posted March 14, 2020
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  • Lisa W likes this
  • Shelly Merk If you have never seen this please stick with it. There are a couple moments of blackout as the scene changes. Around 3:13 it gets interesting.
  • JD Aliix Who hasn't seen "2001: A Space Odyssey"? Well maybe a lot of people haven't.
  • JD Aliix Arthur C. Clark, the author, was one of the many writers in on the massive Disclosure effort underway in this world.