Group function.
Every request of every part is recognized as the solemn wish and desire of the single manifest entity of which we each comprise in the uniqueness of our own experience when we join together as one.
Your request is its request.
Your need is its need.
Ask, and ye shall receive.
so, the rules are simple.
ask for what you need or think want.
be naked and honest, i think specificity is key.
but not necessary.
Ask for anything, nothing is more sacred or necessary than anything else.
All is one.
What you see, your mind colors with concepts and builds coordinates with story to hone in on a broader need effecting you and we all. And while your request may seem vain and shallow, its impact and consequence could have massive ramifications to the whole that you could not possibly have anticipated.
It would be nice, if you responded on this thread with when you conducted a session and for whom. multiple sessions for single requests seems appropriate. i know that seems strange, but in time, that might become more apparent. And also, if you wish to bring attention to when you will be conducting a session, that added awareness seems to add the power, so do so, if that feels appropriate.
Great idea, thank you street poet.
I have a project I could use help with. This is short notice and will go into that more later. But...I could use some bolstering of communication/trust skills. I'm meeting with a local meditative group tomorrow from 5-7pm eastern time to further our intent. I consider myself social but also get all weird and stuff in group settings. Any help to manage my energy that would strike the right cord would be most helpful. I think to open and run sessions (on my behalf) anytime from now until 7 pm east could be awesome. I"ll run a session in the morning and post that here. Thank you!
ok, done. goodluck!
Shelly Merk said:I have a project I could use help with. This is short notice and will go into that more later. But...I could use some bolstering of communication/trust skills. I'm meeting with a local meditative group tomorrow from 5-7pm eastern time to further our intent.
Communication and Trust..For Shelly <3
Could someone make an IMAGI session for me to be energized and fall in love with physical activity again? I want to be motivated consistently to do yoga, movement, walking, dance, Qi Gong etc. I feel like I am in a rut with just not exercising lately. My intent is I want to transform my procrastination and stagnancy into FLOW baby!
Shelly I made a super cool session for you but I could not post it. I will try to recreate it.
For beautiful Mary!
Mary Betts said:
Shelly I made a super cool session for you but I could not post it. I will try to recreate it.
Thank you! Your attention is noted and most appreciated!
Dedicated to Mary's Motivation Station! <3 May this uplift you, and give you a boost of ENERGY! "Let's get physical physical" P.S **Olivia Newton John spandex flashbacks are the best...
You got it, Mary. Done.
Maybe post what you feel?
First of all, these are GORGEOUS. I LOVE THEM. Also, having some interesting impulses to stretch and be active. Which is interesting. I can feel like an internal message pop up like... go do this now!
Well, I feel like it's working in more than just physical motivation. Went for a walk yesterday! Wooooohoooo! And I was thinking I should go for a walk and I was literally invited to go for a walk at this pretty pond location a little while after that so it made it really easy and natural so there is alignment. It's spilling over into other creative applications. Idea flowing and how to implement etc.
wonderful, Mary! That's so beautiful! Well done! Ok, I would like to ask the Oracle for a favor.
Streetpoet held the coin his grandfather gave him. The very same that he brought back from the war and was filled with the story that led to this moment, that infact, in a very real sense, he owed his own very existence to. He held the coin close to him, near his lips in a delicate but firm grasp. "Thank you." He felt the deep need from within him well up and fill his words with the purest transmission of that saced desire.
"I ask for abundance, a job, and financial stabiity. I ask for my monetary needs to be met."
And with that request he flung the coin directly into the gaping void before him secure in the trust that where ever in the endless chasm of eternity it may go, that to whomever the message should be received, the request was sent.
second chance said:
"I ask for abundance, a job, and financial stabiity. I ask for my monetary needs to be met."
And with that request he flung the coin directly into the gaping void before him secure in the trust that where ever in the endless chasm of eternity it may go, that to whomever the message should be received, the request was sent.
I was just running a session for my daughter with identical needs when you made this post, Chance. So I did one for you also!
Help in finding best job to achieve financial freedom.
For second chance!! May the universe shift to allow you to receive all of the abundance that you desire.
Hi Chance Streetpoet,
I made this for you. God it was fun. Can you text me please? I am not sure I have your numbre.
Wow, this is beautiful! Thanks everyone, I really feel an uplifting surge of energy and confidence! It's glorious!!!
I would welcome..i mean LOVE some additional help from my imagi family to encourage me to wake up more alert and ready to conquer the day! I set a goal for myself to awake no later than 5am during the work week to allow myself extra time for meal prep, and exercise. I grudgingly pull myself out of bed at 5:30 already, but i want to do it (eventually), with ease, and with a smile on my face. I know its possible!!! XOXOXOXOX Lots of LOVE <3 <3
For Alisha: To wake up before 5:00 am every day deeply rested and pumped to start day
For Alisha
I have one for you too, Alisha! <3
Let go of fear and beliefs surrounding sleep time, and will be deeply rested, awake, and ready to move at 5:00 am.
Thank you!! These are the absolute best gift <3 Even set the alarm 15 mins early to account for doggie snuggles, and imagi time, and i feel very happy about it. Between gaining an hour with the time change, and these imagis, i am no doubt set up for success. I am also feeling the warm fuzzies to have this kind of support system in my life. ~Namaste
And Shelly - i just have to say i LOVE that yours reminds me of a gorgeous butterfly ready to fly out of bed! <3