Another crazy machine!
I made this one for those suffering from a imbalance of sexual energy. Too much or too little. On hind site I wish I would have used some of the lower chakra source codes. Oh well. I can always do it better. That's part of the fun.
My hope is these creations will inspire your creativity to custom build your sessions for optimal success!
Balancing sexual fire!
That one was very palpable to me. WOW.
Shelly Merk said:
Another crazy machine!
I made this one for those suffering from a imbalance of sexual energy. Too much or too little. On hind site I wish I would have used some of the lower chakra source codes. Oh well. I can always do it better. That's part of the fun.
My hope is these creations will inspire your creativity to custom build your sessions for optimal success!
Balancing sexual fire!
Shelly Merk said:
Love this, Shelly!!!!!
Smoking Cessation
I made this while yearning for some guidance from some higher self or power.
I love your work, Terry. The uniqueness of signature frequencies always stunning!
Terry Jackson said:
I made this while yearning for some guidance from some higher self or power.
Release New Castle, Pa from pain, suffering and anger. Infuse love, joy and fortitude!
Shelly Merk said:
Release New Castle, Pa from pain, suffering and anger. Infuse love, joy and fortitude!
<3 ! Yes
For New Castle, PA
Glad to see you were all keeping it fresh around here! After a week long hiatus,a long sesh' was in order.
Currently running this Imagi to "Fireflies" by Owl City for my fire spinning troupe's performance this evening. Love to Western PA
I just wanted to express gratitude for y'all. Especially toward Shelly. And Shelly, may K and all experience continued prosperity!! <3 <3 <3
In regard to the previous session - the tone of the day was sweet and determined.
I second all of that Rhiannon <3
This is a real masterpiece! I kinda wigged out when I saw it for the first time.
Alisha Mitchell said:
Glad to see you were all keeping it fresh around here! After a week long hiatus,a long sesh' was in order.
Thanks Shelly! It's pretty intense. I had just finished watching an infant and a toddler for a couple days (and nights), which was also pretty intense, so when i got back to the drawing board this is what came up. A Re-wiring of sorts i believeMy account stopped working so i logged on with a different email per Jason's instructions while it was getting sorted out
That makes sense. I feel the vibe!
Alisha Kapisha said:
Thanks Shelly! It's pretty intense. I had just finished watching an infant and a toddler for a couple days (and nights), which was also pretty intense, so when i got back to the drawing board this is what came up. A Re-wiring of sorts i believe
My account stopped working so i logged on with a different email per Jason's instructions while it was getting sorted out
Imagi Oracle divination to clear/work on my space/property. When it popped up it was like.....WOW! A powerful essence with striking arrangement for my palate . Perfect!